Every driver wants to pay less for auto insurance premiums. Saving money is an important goal in people’s lives regardless of the scenarios, and auto insurance is no exception. Car ownership is a blessing albeit sometimes an expensive one. Even if you are already paying low car insurance premiums there are ways to potentially save even more.
Safe driver discounts often help drivers save literally $100’s of dollars on auto insurance prices every year. While each company’s policy has some differences from its competitor’s programs, some similarities also exist.
Most safe driver discount programs require drivers to maintain a clean driving record (no tickets, accidents, etc.) for a minimum amount of time. For example, Geico auto insurance discounts are available for drivers who can verify having three consecutive years without any traffic violations or accidents. State Farm takes its approach to discount car insurance rates for safe drivers to a different level.
The State Farm Drive Safe and Save program uses modern technology to help save drivers money. Telematics is communication and information-based technology, which transmits automobile and driving-centric data from your vehicle back to State Farm. Telematics does not factor in accidents or traffic violations but rather calculates the number of miles you drive over the course of specified evaluation periods. Data is also collected pursuant to your driving style, habits, characteristics, and patterns. This program helps save safe drivers $100’s of dollars by discounting qualified policyholder rates by as much as thirty percent.
Telematics also utilizes GPS, onboard diagnostic, and cellular technologies to function. In addition to saving you money, the State Farm Drive Safe and Save program provides extra safety features. By using GPS, the exact location of your vehicle is discoverable in the event of breakdowns, accidents, or other types of troubles.
Driving habits such as speed, braking methods, turning ratios and distances traveled are logged. A lot can be learned from studying your driving behavior on paper, especially ways in which you might become a safer driver. Telematics also analyzes your vehicle’s performance. This helps assess current and imminent issues. Having this knowledge saves you even more money by allowing you to have your car serviced for minor repairs before they turn into complicated and expensive issues.
Safe driving practices create the most natural path to paying lower rates on car insurance and saving $100’s each year. Whether you choose Geico, State Farm or another auto insurance company, discounts are available for drivers with excellent driving records. Keep reading to learn how auto insurance discount programs also exist specifically for students and U.S. military members alike.
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