What is a Traffic School?

What is a Traffic School?

In 2020, there were over 30 million drivers pulled over for moving violations. 

Each state has different definitions for moving violations, with the most common examples being speeding, running a red light or stop sign, failure to use a turning signal or using a phone while driving. Seat belt violations and driving without a license may also qualify as moving violations. 

In addition to any fines associated with moving violations, points may be added onto your license. If you accrue too many points, your license may be suspended. 

If you were recently charged with a moving violation, you may need to take a course at a traffic school.

Traffic school, also known as a driver safety course in some states, allows you to complete a series of lessons to avoid getting points added to your license. This can prevent you from getting your license suspended, as well as keep your insurance rates from increasing. 

How often you can attend traffic school and the number of points removed from your license varies depending on your state.

Meeting the Criteria for Traffic School

Not all moving violations can be removed by attending traffic school. 

For example, many states will not allow you to attend traffic school if you were caught driving under the influence. Excessive speeding, such as going 20 miles above the limit, may also disqualify you from traffic school. 

In other states, you can be automatically disqualified if your violation includes a mandatory court appearance.

If you are eligible for traffic school, you must generally pay a fee for the classes. Even if you complete the class and get your moving violation waived, you may still be required to pay an additional legal fee. 

If you previously attended traffic school, you may be required to take additional lessons. For example, some states start with four-hour classes for your first violation, which can be doubled for subsequent offenses.

Signing up for Traffic School

Once you determine your eligibility, the next step is to sign up for traffic school. Each state can have multiple traffic schools available. 

You can check with your local DMV to find a list of approved schools in your area. 

Many schools allow you to sign up for classes online. Some states also run lessons online, while others require you to complete the class in person. 

How long the classes are also varies depending on the school. Some run the entire course in a single lesson, while others divide the course across multiple hour-long classes. At the end of each course, you must typically pass a final exam to complete the course.

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