Credit card roadside assistance services are easy to overlook because you do not frequently use them. If you are lucky, you will be able to avoid using roadside assistance, but in an emergency, they are excellent benefits to have. Some examples of roadside assistance including towing and winching, getting a locksmith for your vehicle and battery jumpstarts. Certain credit cards also offer advanced roadside assistance services, including emergency fuel or motor fluids delivery, tire replacement and even paying for a car rental until your car is repaired.
Even the best credit card roadside assistance benefits typically have limits. For example, many credit cards will cover towing up to 10 miles away, but the rest of the costs you must pay out of pocket. There may also be additional fees when you use roadside assistance, such as a maintenance fee if you call a mechanic to come out and replace your tires.
American Express roadside assistance offers extensive coverage. The service is available 24/7 to any driver with a premium credit card, free of charge. The coverage includes tow away service. This covers any towing-related fees, as well as minor repairs to your vehicle.
You can request the vehicle go to a different location, but you must pay a small charge to have it moved. You also get access to unlocking services, tire replacement and battery jump-starting services. American Express also assists with alternate travel costs and will even cover hotel costs if you are on a trip and must wait overnight for repairs.
Chase Sapphire reserve roadside assistance is available in both the United States and Canada. Your coverage extends to any vehicle you own, whether you were the driver. Chase provides multiple services, such as flat tire repairs, fuel delivery and battery boosts.
You can also get up to $50 cover for service events, up to four times each year. Chase’s assistance does not apply to commercial vehicles or trucks carrying over 2,000 pounds.
Visa roadside assistance includes basic services, like jump starts, tire changes, fuel delivery and winching. Visa’s roadside dispatch will stay on the phone with you while you wait for help to arrive. Visa partners with many independent contractors as part of their roadside assistance. If you want to request someone outside of the network you can make the request through roadside dispatch, but you are responsible for the costs.
Capital One roadside assistance is different from other credit cards. While cards like Venture, Savor and Quicksilver include roadside assistance, these are network benefits provided by either Visa or Mastercard. You can go online to look up your exact benefits or call the number located on the back of your Capital One card.
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