Picking the best credit card for gas rewards is tricky because there are so many different reward programs. Some of the most common rewards include cashback whenever you purchase gas, reduced discount at the pumps or earning reward points whenever you refuel. Some gas credit cards come directly from gas stations, like ExxonMobil, while others come from traditional credit card companies.
When you are looking for the best credit card for gas rewards, make sure you understand where the benefits are available. With many credit cards, you can only get benefits if you shop at select gas stations. If your credit card comes from a gas company, the benefits typically only apply from that provider, but you may get reduced benefits if you use your card at an outside station. These station-specific credit cards typically give the best discounts. For example, as of writing, Shell credit cards offer discounts between 10 to 30 percent for each gallon you purchase.
The biggest gas credit card savings come from station credit cards, but traditional credit card companies typically offer additional benefits outside of gas stations. For example, American Express and Mastercard offer discounts when you purchase gas, but you can also use these credit cards at grocery chains or restaurants to earn additional rewards points.
If you only want to use one primary credit card, it is recommended to use a credit card from a major company to maximize your benefits. If you do not mind having multiple cards, getting a station-specific card can provide the best benefits specifically for gas.
A great gas credit card is the Blue Cash Preferred Card, from American Express. Not only do you get 3 percent cash back from gas stations, but you also get cashback from parking garages, tolls and public or private transportation.
The Pentagon Federal Credit Union also offers discounts to drivers. The PenFed Platinum Rewards card uses a point system. For every dollar you spend on gas, you earn five points on your credit card, which can be redeemed for a number of rewards.
You can also get gas credit card savings if you are a Costco member. Costco members are eligible for the Costco Anywhere Visa card.
This card provides a generous 4 percent cashback when you shop at eligible gas stations, up to a maximum of $7,000 each year. Since most Costco’s have gas stations on the premises, it is easy to take advantage of these savings.
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