Your vehicle gives you numerous income-earning options. If you are uncomfortable renting your car to other people and you do not want to wrap it you might try earning money through an app-based delivery service. What does an app-based delivery service do? Essentially, your automobile is turned into a delivery vehicle for a wide variety of products and service providers.
The most common type of item delivered through app-based delivery services is food. Fast food, restaurant menu food and groceries are the most common items delivered by people using their own vehicles.
If you deliver for DoorDash or Postmates you will mostly be delivering fast food, restaurant food and alcohol (depending on state laws). This means you must be of a certain state-mandated age to apply for these companies.
Grocery delivery services ramped up their activity in 2020 and never lost momentum. If you use your vehicle to deliver groceries you will most likely also have to shop for the customer’s grocery items on their behalf. For example, Shipt and InstaCart both deliver groceries, potential alcoholic beverages and random retail products.
The stores at which each company sends their employees to shop vary per state and market region. For example, Shipt includes Target on its list of stores in some areas of the country but not others.
If you deliver for GrubHub you will deliver fast food, restaurant meals and alcohol products (in select areas).
The same is true for Uber Eats and Postmates depending on where you live. Applications to sign up for app-based food delivery services are almost always submitted online only. Vehicle requirements include a valid tag and registration along with the current “passed” inspection status. Your state-issued driver’s license must also be valid.
Hiring policies and vehicle requirements different in each state. Some app-based delivery companies require their drivers to possess a driver’s license from the state where the company is operating.
It is also necessary to own a smart-technology-equipped device. Since the job is literally app-based, you will need to install the proprietary company app on your smartphone, tablet, Apple Watch, etc. Most drivers choose to use their cell phones for the sake of familiarity and convenience. When deliveries become available you will receive notifications.
Claim your deliveries quickly or risk losing them to other workers. The amount of money you make each hour in addition to tips, mileage compensation, and delivery bonuses varies widely around the country. People working full-time for app-based delivery services average around $12-$22 an hour, however.
By Admin –