When it comes to getting a lower car insurance rate it is often a bad move to accept the first offer you receive. Avoid making the mistake of thinking the acquisition of car insurance is not a shopping experience. It is as much a shopping experience as is purchasing a new washer and dryer or plane tickets for a family vacation. If you and your family are traveling across or out of the country it is natural to immediately begin looking for the best ticket prices available. When purchasing a new washer and dryer combo the first thing most consumers do is search for sales and promotions. Why do so many drivers think purchasing car insurance is any different?

Because car insurance is mandatory in almost every U.S. state and because financial responsibility for accidents (whether you are at fault or not) is serious business, many drivers believe they have no power over what they pay for car insurance. Geico, Progressive, USAA and every other auto insurance provider out there are not utility companies. You have choices and the right to negotiate better prices. The best auto insurance companies know this and make it easy for you to compare competing rates and choose the best deal for you (provided you are qualified).

Avoid Taking the First Rate Offer You See

Auto discount quotes are available online and often take only moments to obtain. Comparison-shopping is a part of finding the lowest car insurance premiums available and sometimes involves talking to an agent and asking directly for lower prices. Some websites specialize in rate comparisons.

Protect.com and Progressive.com each help you find the best policies, rates, and discounts by comparing prices between numerous companies right there online. Progressive also sells its own car insurance policies and was one of the first companies to give customers options between itself and its competitors.

It is also a mistake to compare dissimilar policies to each other. For example, comprehensive-only car insurance is priced differently than full-tort policies. Auto insurance premium rates, which are heavily discounted for bundle deals cannot accurately be compared to prices for individual (unbundled) policies. It is also advisable to take different types of policy discount combinations into account when comparing rates.

Specific safe driver discount programs are available for drivers who go consecutive years on the road without any accidents or traffic violations. Seniors who successfully complete safe driving classes through the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and American Automobile Association (AAA) also get specialized discounts with certain insurance companies. Avoid the mistake of accepting early offers. Learn about every discount available to you.

Then compare rates and policies that include those potential discounts, such as:

  • Student drivers.
  • Accident-free drivers.
  • Military-based discounts.
  • Senior discounts.
  • Family plans and bundles.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing.

By Admin